Thursday 29 November 2018

Mark Hughes’ official complaints reveal hypocrisy of a serial whinger | Barry Glendenning

Manager’s VAR anguish would be permissible if it did not entirely oppose his previous grumble over Southampton’s treatment

Almost 20 years into his career as a manager, we finally appear to have reached peak Mark Hughes. Following Southampton’s Carabao Cup defeat on penalties at Leicester, he used his post-match interview to complain about a refereeing decision that had not gone his team’s way. In itself, that was not unusual – rarely a weekend goes by in which Hughes does not publicly lay blame for their many shortcomings at the door of officialdom. Long before Donald Trump developed a reputation for tediously ranting and raving about the perceived injustices repeatedly inflicted upon him by the Fake News Media, Hughes had earned one for railing similarly against referees.

Related: Leicester prevail on penalties as Southampton rue controversial VAR call

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