Thursday 29 November 2018

Richard Scudamore’s £5m tip might blow over but resentment will linger | Marina Hyde

Gordon Taylor’s largesse has superseded the furore over the outgoing Premier League chief executive’s retirement gift yet this level of boardroom excess is a slap in the face to fans

A friend once stepped aboard a super-yacht hired by a super-rich, and asked far more questions about how much it cost than I assume is regarded as polite. Naturally, such things are bogglingly, unimaginably expensive to rent – but it was amusing to hear that the tip is also mandatory. In the case of this boat, the tip was £38,000 per week.

I was reminded of this as the Premier League clubs voted to thank outgoing chief executive Richard Scudamore for his service earlier this month, in the form of what amounts to a tip of £250,000. Each. So a round £5m for a man who has been in post for almost 20 years, and who last year took home just the £2.5m salary and undisclosed bonuses.

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from Football | The Guardian

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